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Posting of officials in single handed & double handed post offices

Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Dated: January 12, 2012
No. 8-4/ 2005 – Inv

All Heads of Circle

Sub: Tenure posting of officials in single handed & double handed post offices – Preventive Vigilance Measure.

Sir/ Madam,
Instructions were issued vide this office letter of even number dated 22.09.2005 to the effect that officials who have been posted as SPM/ PA in single handed or double handed post offices irrespective of period of posting/ completion of tenure should not be posted back to the same office after a break as is being done now. In other words, officials of single handed and double handed post offices can have only one posting in such offices during their service period. The letter however vested powers personally with the CPMG/ PMG for relaxation of the said provisions only in respect of double handed post offices in a specific case if warranted by exceptional administrative exigencies.

2. For quite some time past, this office has been receiving reports/ representations expressing difficulties faced in the implementation of these instructions in respect of single handed SOs. As such, it has been decided that the powers of the CPMGs/ PMGs for relaxation in respect of double handed SOs if warranted by exceptional administrative exegencies would be applicable in respect of single handed SOs also.

3. This issues with the approval of Secretary (Posts).

Yours faithfully,
Som Nath Chuchra
Asst Director General (INV)

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