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Payment of Speed Post Delivery incentive to postmen

Copy of Business Development & Marketing Directorate letter No. 57-01/2005-BDD&MD dated 12 th March, 2012 is reproduced below.

T his is regarding payment of Speed Post Delivery incentive to postmen in the Circles.
2. It has been brought to the notice of this office that there is huge Pendency in the payment of Speed Post Delivery incentive bills pertaining to Postmen in Circles. In this regard, a kind reference is invited to BD&M Directorate letter No. 57-01/2005-BDD dated 17.06.2005 wherein clear instructions/clarifications have been reiterated to effect payment of incentive to delivery staff.
3. In view of the above, it is requested that immediate action may be taken to effect all the payments of speed post delivery incentive bills pertaining to postmen before 31 st March, 2012 after following existing instructions strictly.
4. A compliance report in this regard is expected on or before 15.04.2012.

(Smit Kumar)
General Manager (SP&M )

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