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About kalahandi district

Geographical Areas 7920 Sq.KM
Area under Forest 2,538.01 Sq.KM (32 %)
Population(2001)Census 1335494 ( Male- 667526 , Female- 667968 )
( Rural - 1235275 , Urban - 100219 )
Scheduled Caste 236019 ( 17.67 )(Male-117344,Female-118675)
Scheduled Tribe 385273 ( 28.84% )(Male-188646,Female-193927)
Density of population 169 per sq.kms.
LITERATE 513383 ( 62.45% ) ( Male-349473 ,Female- 163910)
ILLITERATE 822111 (Male-318053 , Female - 504058 )
Total Numbers of House Holds 320624 ( Rural - 299942, Urban - 20682)
Total Numbers BPL House Holds ( 1997 ) 193054
Number of SC/ST House holds ( 1997 ) 111884
Percentage of BPL Family ( 1997) 62.71 %
* Percentage of BPL Family ( 1992 ) 85.77 %
Administration Set up
Number of Sub-Division 2
Number of Tehsils 9
Number of Municipality 1
Number of N.A.C. 2
Number of Blocks 13
Number of Police Station 12
Number of Gram Panchayat 273
No. of Inhabited Villages 2099
No. of Uninhabited Villages 137
Total Number of villages 2236

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