PLEASE NOTE :- is not the official website of kalahandi postal division. It is just a private initiative to make the people aware about different postal product and services.All content displayed here are contributed by user and collected from different open sources. We do not claim any accuracy or originality of content.All pages you visit through the hyper link may have different privacy policy.we will not be liable for any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use. [ For any query/suggestion, kindly mail us at ] is not the official website of kalahandi postal division. It is just a private initiative to make the people aware about different postal product and services.All content displayed here are contributed by user and collected from different open sources. We do not claim any accuracy or originality of content.All pages you visit through the hyper link may have different privacy policy.we will not be liable for any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.


56 APO -1st CBPO
99 APO-2nd CBPO
APO -Army Post Office
APPU-Asian Pacific Postal Union 
AMPC-Automatic Mail Processing Centre
CBPO-Centrally Based Post office
CPMG-Chief Postmaster General
CO -Circle Office
CSD-Circle Stamps Depot 
CRC-Computerized Registration Centre
ECS-Electronic Clearance Service
EFT-Electronic Fund Transfer
eMO-electronic Money Order
ePOST-electronic Post
ESMO-Electronic Satellite Money Order
eVPP-electronic Value Payable Parcel 
EMS-Express Mail Service
EPP-Express Parcel Post
FPO-Field Post Office
GPO-General Post Office
HPO -Head Post Office
ISP-India Security Press (Nasik)
IVP-Indira Vikas Patra
ILC-Inland Letter Card
IMO -Instant Money Order
IFSMO -International Financial System Money Order
IMT-International Money Transfer
KVP-Kisan Vikas Patra
MSY-Mahila Samridhi Yojana
MO-Money Order
MDG-Mukhya Dak Ghar
NSC-National Savings Certificate
PRSS-Pay Roll Savings Scheme
PIN-Postal Index Number
PLI-Postal Life Insurance
PSD-Postal Stores Depot
PTC -Postal Training Centre
PMG-Postmaster General
PCO-Public Call Office
PPF-Public Provident Fund
RMS -Railway Mail Service
RO -Regional Office
RL-Registered Letter
RLO-Returned Letter Office
RPLI-Rural Postal Life Insurance
SBCO-Savings Bank Control Organisation
SPA -Speed Post Article
SRO -Sub Record Office/ Sub Record Officer
TMO-Telegraphic Money Order
UPU-Universal Postal Union
VPL-Value Payable Letter
VPP -Value Payable Parcel
V-SAT-Very-Small Aperture Terminal

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