Demand No. 1Drop the Mail Network Optimisation Project (MNOP) and reject the Mckinsey Consultancy’sdisastrous recommendations. Withdraw the hub system introduced for processing speed postarticles and restore status-quo-ante. Drop the move to introduce hub system for processing offirst class mails including registered articles and to close down hundreds of sorting offices. Dropthe proposed move to introduce delivery hubs for delivery of articles by withdrawing deliveryfrom all town sub post offices in the urban areas. Stop outsourcing the work of Postal, RMS andMMS functions._ The mail arrangement made in the wake of creation of speed post hubs and which, asrepresented by the staff side, are causing delay as compared to the position prevailed before,will be reviewed by a committee including the Secretary Generals NFPE and FNPO. As regardsfirst class mails, the question of forming L1 and L2 will be deferred and reviewed along withthe staff side by forming a committee.Stop closure/merger of Post offices including Branch Post offices._ There will be no closure of POs. If any merger/closure becomes necessary, there will besimultaneous relocation and opening of POs.Cancel the orders changing the designation of Sorting Postmanwhich leads to abolition ofhundreds of promotional posts of postmen staff._ Clarificatory orders restoring the earlier position will be issued.. The nomenclature of SortingPostman will be restored.Review CRC, EPP and logistics norms._ It will be discussed furtherDemand No. 2Grant status as Central Government Civil Servants to Gramin Dak Sevaks employees for allpurposes including service matters, pay scale, increment, allowances, pension, promotion,leave, bonus, trade unions rights and other terminal benefits._ It was not within the competence of Department to take a view for status. Govt. leveldecision is required.Scrap the new Recruitment rules for appointment of postmen by 25% outside recruitmentwhich curtails the promotional avenues of GDS and restore the previous Recruitment rules._ In Group ‘D’ Recruitment Rules75% posts will be earmarked exclusively for GDS. In theabsence of casual labourers the remaining 25% will also be filled up with GDS. Regarding 25%allotment for outside recruitment in postmen, it will be reviewed. Till then, no selection fromoutsiders will be made.Enhance the bonus ceiling of GDS to 3500/- at par with regular employees._ For Bonus enhanced ceiling, once again it will be taken up with Ministry of Finance.Withdraw the tightened norms for cash handling, stamp sale, and other norms for assessing theworkload of BPMs._ It was agreed to revise the cash handling point from Rs. 20000/- per point to Rs. 10000/-perpoint. Orders will be issued soon.2Stop reduction of TRCA in case of reduction in workload._ It will be considered to cause full protection of TRCA instead the present ceiling thatmaximum of the minimum TRCA.Withdraw the orders restrictingcompassionate appointment of GDS to 10% of the vacancies._ It was agreed to consider the demand favorably.Scrap the newly notified “GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules” and restore the previous “GDSConduct and Employment Rules”._ It was not agreed despite repeated demands made by staff side.Fill up all GDS Mailmen Posts in RMS._ It will be pursued.Providing norms for NREGS and till that time the higher rate of incentive may be paid._ It will be considered and question of taking cash handedfor TRCA calculation will also beconsidered .Demand No. 3Revise the wages of casual labourers including part-time and contingent employees w.e.f.1.1.2006 as per Supreme Court orders based on the minimum pay implemented as per SixthCPC recommendations._ Orders will be expedited first for those casual labourers appointed prior to 01.09.93. Forotheralso action will be expedited in a time bound manner Secretaryassured that it will bepersonally looked in to.Stop outsourcing the work of casual labourers and contingentemployees. Grant temporaryStatus to all full time casual labourers._ Clarificatory orders already issued. All the full time Casual labourers recruited prior to01.09.1993 will be accorded temporary status. For others it is not possible as per DOPT ordersConvert part-time into full-timeby combination of duties._ Directorate earlier letter No. 45-4/92-SPB I dt. 16.09.92 will be reiterated for making the partime casual labourers who are working for five hours or more.Grant appointment to part-timecasual and contingent employees in vacant GDS posts._ Orders will be reiterated to give preference to part time casual labour in GDS appointments.Demand No. 4Immediate revision of OTA & OSA rates._ OSA – It will be finalized at the earliest. Secretary (P) will personally monitor it.OTA – The Committee of Secretaries constituted to look in to the OTA issue by the Govt. hasdecided to continue the schemeof OTA for time being without revising the rate of OTA &Ceiling till Performance related incentive schemes are implemented. As such no decision canbe taken at Directorate level.Demand No. 5Implement the assurances made on 12.07.2010 Strike Settlement and also the JCMDepartmental Council Meeting held on 23.08.201031. Grant of officiating pay with all benefits to the staff officiating in HSG II, HSG I vacancies._ Orders will be issued shortly.2. Imparting training to non matriculate Group ‘D’ promotedto Postman/Mail Guard or PA/SAcadre after 1.1.2006 and prior to the implementation of Sixth CPC orders._ Orders have been issued vide No. 1-20/2008-PCC – dt. 15.06.2011.3. Replacement of Night Halt allowance to Mail overseers with TA/DA_ IFW not agreed.4. Increasing the number of chances to appear LGO examination_ Orders will be issued shortly.5. Removal of minimum cycleable distance for grant of Cycle maintenance allowance toPostmen/MSE_ Discussed in the Postmen committee meeting on 01.07.2011. Will be finalised before31.07.20116. Clarification regarding eligibility to appear LGO examination_ Clarification will be issued.7. Counting of Special Allowance for Pay fixation in case of PO & RMS Accountants._ This will be reviewed as per Karnataka High Court decision.8. Discontinuing the practice of obtaining fidelity/security bond from the employees handlingcash._ Decision will be taken soon.9. Non drawal of HRA to the officiating SPMs working in offices having attached Quartersbeyond 90 days by suspending quarters._ Orders have been reiterated vide No. 7-1/2010-Bldg. dt. 16.06.2011.10. Protection of pay of defunctscale of PO & RMS Accountants who opted for general line underDirectorate letter No. 2-22/88-PE I dt. 01.12.92_ It will be decided in consultation with Internal Finance Wing.11. Enhancement of S. B. incentive to all Postal Assistants_ Orders have been issued vide SB order No. 10/2011 dt. 21.06.2011.12. Payment of honorarium for drawal of pension arrears_ Orders will be issued.13. Anomaly in fixation of pay in respect of officials promoted on 1.1.96 under BCR Scheme._ Finance Ministry has again been referred.14. Dropping of confirmation examination._ This will be done. Orders will be issued.15. Arbitrary and forcible allotment of Staff Quarters in Rajasthan Circle._ It is agreed to reconsider the earlier decision.416. Upward revision of conveyance Allowance or bring under TA Rules for journeys beyond 16kms in case of PRI (P)s._ Orders have been issued vide No. 17-01/2011-PAP dt. 23.06.2011.17. Non supply of statement of Balance to the officials brought under New Pension scheme 2009._ PAOs are being instructed to complete the physical registration of subscribers and to includethe procedure of physical registration of subscribers of NPS in the recruitment process so thatthe work is not kept pending.18. Non grant of Special Allowance to unqualified Accountants._ This is under consideration. Will be decided soon.19. Settlement of incentives and clear pending bills for the work related to Mutual funds._ Orders have been issued that 25% of the revenue earned by the Department on security mutualfunds products is distributed to the eligible employees as incentive.20. Enhancement of Financial powers of LSG, HSG II & HSG I Postmasters._ The IFW raised queries. It will be attended and finalized.21. Separate budgetary allotment of funds for computer advance to Postmaster/Postal Assistant_ Discussion could not be made. It will be discussed further.22. Fixing norms/Time factors to Postal Stores Depot, circle Stamp Depot & creation ofestablishment._ This will be taken up after thecomputerisation of PSD/CSD which is being pursued/Completed.23. Grant of Road Mileage Allowance to the staff entrusted with the work of clearance ofcheques._ Orders have been issued vide letter No. 17-01/2011-PAP- dt. 23.06.2011.24. Stop harassing staff on contributory factors and causing clear cut guidelines not to impose theprovision if not directly responsible._ Suitable instructions have been issued. (We will seek further improvement of the order)25. Recovery of Alleged over payment of Pay & Allowance to Postman on account of fixationfrom the officials working in Accounts branch_ It required further discussion with DDG(P) & DDG (Estt). It will be held shortly26. Enhancement of honorarium for RD Premature closures._ This was discussed with MOF on 09.06.2011. MOF agreed to simplify the calculation for RDpremature closure.27. Tenure posting of officials in single & double handed offices – request to withdraw theconditions._ For Himachal Pradesh, this hasbeen relaxed earlier. It was assured to review and causeappropriate orders in consultation with vigilance.28. Enhancement of honorarium for engaging officials in departmental examinations._ The proposal has been submitted on 01.06.2011 to IFWfor consideration. Final decisionwill betaken soon.529. Remove the restriction in posting of SPM due to minor penalties/CR entries_ This will be considered shortly.30. Allowing to appear the physically handicapped officialsfor Departmental exam like IPOs_ Orders will be issued.31. Grant of Fixed Conveyance Allowance to Marketing Executives._ Provision of TA has been reiterated vide letter No. 17-01/2011-PAP32. Transfer of all HSG-I Posts toGeneral line._ This is accepted and incorporated in the revised Recruitment Rules for HSG I.33. Payment of honorarium to supervisors & Staff divisional office for RPLI/PLI work._ Separate discussion will be held with CGM (PLI)34. Providing administrative powers to grant leave to staff by HSG-I Postmasters_ Orders will be issued after having one more discussion with staff side.35. Counting the training period for benefits of promotion under TBOP/BCR Schemes_ DDG (P) addressed all Circles toprovide the feedback. On receipt it will be considered.36. Revision of Cash Allowance to the SPMs handling cash in the absence of Treasurer and grantof Treasury allowance to all PAsirrespective of their grant of MACP promotions._ (i) The issue is under examination in consultation with IFW(ii) Treasury allowance is under examination to all PAs irrespective of their status on grant ofMACP.(iii) The request to reiterate thecash handling Allowance to Treasurers once again due to nondrawal is accepted.Ensure prompt holding of Departmental Council Meetings._ It will be notified. We sought next meeting may be held before the month of August 2011Secretary (P) agreed.Demand No. 6Immediate finalization of CadreRestructuring proposals including Postal Accounts as assured bythe Secretary Department of Posts and its implementation._ Cadre review proposals including the system Administrators will be finalized before31.08.2011. Committee will be reconstituted with DDG (P) as chairman. For Postal Accountsproblems separate meeting was held and the minutes will be issued separately. First sittingup of the Postal Accounts cadre restructuring committee will beheld on 05.07.2011.Demand No. 7Stop decentralization of Postal Accounts, PLI and RPLI and ensure status-quo. Save DPLI office,Kolkata and ensure job securityto the staff, DPLI._ A separate meeting with General Manager (PLI) was held on 01.07.2011. All issues relatedtoPLI/RPLI were discussed. Minutes will be issued separately. There is no decision todecentralize the Postal Accounts work.Demand No. 8Expedite the process of filling of all vacant posts in all wings including GDS.6_ For GDS, a detailed order have been issued vide No. 17-103/2007-GDS dt. 17.02.2011, forMTS, Postman, Mail Guard, action for filling up has been initiated. IPOs are also beingrecruited through staff selection commission.Postal Accounts also recruitment process already initiated.Make arrangement to impart training to all newly recruited PAs/SAs._ (i) Induction training to PAs/SAs is imparted in all Six Training Centers in double shifts.(ii) Six circles are being conducted local induction training.(iii) Instructions were issued forconducting circle level induction training to PA (SBCO)(iv) Instructions have been issued for issuing appointment orders to those candidates whosePre-appointment formalities are completed and for engaging them against suitablepostswith regular pay and allowanceafter imparting in house training at circle level. It will beensured that this order is implemented in all circles.2/3 posts for the period up to 2008 kept in skeleton may be redeployed to offices whereadditional post is justified._ No action could be made as it comes under the purview of Screening Committee.Demand No. 9Stop implementation of Postmaster Cadre till finalization of Cadre Restructuring. Ensure 100%filling up of LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I before implementation of Postmasters Cadre, remove theretrograde eligibility conditionsfor appearing the examination of Grade I and PSS Group B andallow Account line officials also._ (i) Allowing officials opted to PM cadre to appear IPO & GroupB exam will be consideredpositively(ii) Allowing Accountants officials also be opted for postmasters cadre will be consideredpositively.(ii) Other items will be discussed further.Demand No. 1010. Drop the proposed move of ending the services of existing System Administrators byoutsourcing the technology work to the outsider agencies. Create the System AdministratorsPosts as assured with specified norms and other works and make the cadre as a promotionalcadre to PA/SA._ This will be considered in the cadre review committee. Formal Proposal will be made before31.08.2011. Regarding conveyance allowance, order have been issued.Demand No. 11Stop combination of beats /double duty, stop harassment of staff insisting 100% impracticablecondition for delivery under Project Arrow. Settle the demands raised in the PostmenCommittee such as distance factor, number of articles, Grantof Cycle allowance withoutdistance condition, cash payment for uniform and kit items, Supply of good quality uniforms,Revision of norms. Stop imposing unmanageable workload on staff in the name of verificiatonof applications and delivery of Adhar cards to public_ A separate meeting was held with Postman representatives& Secretary Generals on01.07.2011. All the above items were discussed. The committee will finalise all the postmenrelated issued before 31.07.2011. Formal minutes of the Postmen Committee meeting will beissued separately.7Demand No. 12Fixing norms for newly assigned works of Multi Tasking Staff._ The issue requires finalization of modalities as the IWS unit is not in existence.Allow to decline postman promotion for MTS under seniority quota without loosingMACPpromotions and review the recruitment rules of MTS to Postmen / Mail Guards._ No orders can be issued locallyon MACP related issues as DOP&T is the competent authority.Demand No. 13Grant promotions to Drivers / Artisans at par with other C.G. organizations likeRailways/Defence. Higher Pay Scales to charge hand & Drivers._ There is no existence of charge hand at present. Drivers have been considered as a commoncategory and National AnomalyCommittee has advised the Department to inform the Courtaccordingly. As such no decisioncan be taken at department level.Demand No. 14Declare SBCO Staff as Divisional cadre_ It will be considered after detailed examination.Stop harassment of SBCO officials under contributory factors._ Suitable instructions have been issued. (We will seek further improvement of the order)Complete the Ledger Agreement Work and update the SBCO before launching Core Banking._ As regards completion of ledger agreement work before launching core Banking, detailedinstructions have been issued to field units to update the postings and agreement work at theearliest.Demand No. 15Fill up all Postal Civil Wing and Electrical Wing posts as per CPWD norms. Creation of one CivilCircle and Electrical and Architectural Division in every Circle. Expedite the Restructuring of CivilWing Cadres. Restrict the transfer of non-gazetted staff within the concerned Postal Circle only.Retain Head clerk designation instead of Assistant and declareHead clerk as supervisory posts._ A separate meeting for the issues relating civil wing has been held at Directorate on01.07.2011. Separate minutes will be issued.Demand No. 16Ensure full fledge functioning of newly formed Postal Accounts Offices by providing adequatestaff strength and accommodation. Rectify the anomaly caused due to promotion of Group ‘D’official to the cadre of LDC after2006. Restore the residency period of three years in respect ofJA to SA promotion retrospectively w.e.f. 13.12.2006. Grant MACP to thosejoined in Sortercadre treating LDC as entry grade as the Sorter grade has been defunct since 2000._ A separate meeting exclusively for the demands related to postal Accounts was held on30.06.2011. Separate minutes will be issued.Demand No. 17Counting of past services rendered by erstwhile RTPs for promotions and MACP._ Secretary (P) assured to reexamine the issue.Demand No. 18Implement Apex Court Judgement in case of RRR Candidates in true sprit and extend to allapproved RRR Candidates awaiting for absorption.8_ Not agreed despite strong advocation by the staff side. Supreme Courts orders cannot bemade applicable to those who are not a party in the case. (Theissue will be discussed again)Demand No. 19Stop Harassing and victimization of innocent officials under contributory negligence factors.Implement the true spirit of Govt. orders and Volumes and no recovery should be made if theconcerned is not directly responsible for the loss sustained to the department._ Orders have been issued by the Directorate. (We will seek further improvement).Demand No. 20Stop discrimination towards PO& RMS Accounts Cadre, Create separate cadre and earmarkpercentage of posts for norm based promotions in the same cadre._ This will be discussed separately by with DDG (P) ShortlyCount Special Allowance for fixation on promotion._ The High Court Bangalore decision was handed over. It was assured to pursue the case onceagain on the basis of the court decision.Withdraw the recovery imposed for Postman Pay fixation and drawal of bonus toGDS._ Discussed elaborately. However further discussion willbe made with DDG (P) & DDG(Establishment) on this issue separately further.Restore the date of passing the Accountant examination for according LSG promotions insteaddate of entry in PA cadre._ Secretary assured to reconsider the issue.Demand No. 21Enhance the LR strength on all cadres to the extent of 20% andfill up all vacant LR posts._ As this is a policy issue of all C.G. Employees nothing was decided. It will be discussed further.Demand No. 22Ensure prompt grant of Child Care Leave as per the liberalized orders, unnecessary hurdles putforth should be dropped._ Instructions have been issued vide Dte. letter dt. 15.06.2011Demand No. 23Review the MACP clarificatory orders and rectify the issues like, non drawal of special allowanceon acquiring MACP._ Clarification will be issued applying Special allowance irrespective of MACP I, II & IIIWrong interpretation of IIIrd MACP to departmental promotes only after 30 years,_ Detailed discussion could not be made. Will be discussed further.Counting as double promotions as Group D & Postmen even in the case of promotion toPostman on GDS quota,_ Orders have already been issued.Non counting of training periodfor MACP,_ As per para 9 of MACP orders pre appointment training shall not be taken for MACP.9Ignore all uncommunicated average bench marks for MACP as per Judicial verdict._ All DPS (HQ) will be instructed personally by Secretary (Posts) about the spirit of formation ofscrutiny committee to review bench marks and left out cases will be considered.Ensure prompt holding of DPCs at Circle and Divisional level as per DOP&T latest instructions._ Will be discussed further.Grant of Grade pay 1900, 2000 with effect from 01.01.2006 to those Group D (MTS) who weregiven TBOP/BCR before 1.01.2006._ Will be discussed furtherDemand No. 24Stop attack on Union office bearers by misusing Rule 37 transfers and Rule 9 of CCS (CCA)Rules._ Specific incidents are requested. We will detail the cases shortly.Dispose all Rule 9 (Pension rules) disciplinary cases and review petition cases pending atDirectorate years together._ Secretary agreed about the pendency of petitions of Rule 9 cases. She assured to concede ourrequest to form squad of officers to expedite finalizationof pending cases expeditiously..Demand No. 25Denying the legitimate right of employees to avail holidays & Sundays by compelling them toattend frequent meetings/Melas arranged by the department._ Suitable instructions will be issued to all concerned.Apart from the above, the following items have also been discussed with Secretary (Post).1. All Speed Hub work shall be brought under the RMS – It wasagreed.2. Severance amount to GDS promoted as Postman/MTS – Positive action will be taken.3. Relaxing the condition for appearing PA Exam by GDS – This wile be considered at the time offinalization of PA Recruitment Rules.4. Recruitment of PA/SAs for the vacancies of 2011 – It will be expedited.5. Secretary (P) will meet the
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