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Q108  When will forward the schedule of  schedule of bills Paid from HO to Director of  Accounts Postal
a. 1st of every month  b. 10th of every month   c. 1st and 16th of every month 
Q109 From the following  who have right to  forward the returns relating Indian postal order  to  DAP not later than 5th of every month?
a. GPO   b. Presidency Post office  c. None of these 
Q110  Who will responsible  for all the  monetary transactions of the divisions and for the  correctness of the accounts in RMS
a. SRO   b.SA  c. Head Record Officer
Q111  Form ACG 33 is related with 
a. Cash Abstract  in  head Record  b. HO Summary  c. TCB

Q112  What is purpose of preparation of ACG40 in RMS?
a. record the receipt and payment  b. record the advance  details c. None of these
Q113  When will  a sender of outward foreign parcel  get  customs duty as refund  from department?
a.  Parcel is returned as undeliverable  b. Parcel is in a damaged condition  c. Never refunded the customs duty
Q114 Payment of account  of international and commonwealth reply coupons  has to be credited ---------------- account head
a. UCP   b. Bills Paid  c. Payment of refund
Q115 Payment  related with Compensation  for  registered articles  should  be credited ---------- account head
a. Bills Paid   b. refund of article  c. UCP
Q116   Service pensions payable in India   under   pensions Act ---------- of civil service regulations
a. 1871  b. 1898 c. 1902
Q117  The gratuity  payment  can be made through  the branch  Office
 The  above said  statement  is  
a. True  b. False
Q118   Form No   pension 7  is  related with ---------
a. PPO  register   b. Pension Payment Voucher c. Pension Payment Order
Q119  Who will prepare separate file   in respect of pension payment order  by the Postal Accounts
a. Postmaster  b. DPM Accounts Branch    c. DPM SB  Branch
Q120  Who will issue duplicate  PPO   when  the PPO  is lost in transit?
 a. Postmaster of Head office  b. Divisional  Heads  c. Director of Accounts
Q121  In which post office the duties related with  pension payment is  entrusted with  Deputy Postmaster ?
a. Presidency  Post office  b GPO  c Selected HOs
Q122   pensioner can be  exempted from  personal appearance  for payment  , if  he produce  life certificate  from a Group A or  B government Servants
The  Above  said  statement is
a. True  b. False
Q123 Pensioner can entrust a person who posses power of attorney  to receive  pension  . when it will possible ?
a. Pensioner is out of India   b . Pensioner  is not  in home station .c payment  is not possible to power of attorney
Q124  Declaration in form  TR 40  should be collected from recipients of family pension  should be collected ------------
a. monthly  b. quarterly   c. Half yearly
Q125 Provisional  payment of Pension is made through --------
a. ACG 40  b. ACG 108  c. ACG 101

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