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Kisan vikas patra

Kisan Vikas Patra or KVP is a sort of savings, which is regulated with the help of government and post offices. This Kisan Vikas Patra KVP is a plan, which allows the investorsto make their investments up todouble amount in a less duration of time in comparisonsto the other governmental plans. The plan and subscriptionfor Kisan Vikas Patra is now available at every post offices that are regulated through government.
Kisan Vikas Patra KVP is known as the most reliable savings procedure as the government conducts it directly and regulated by it. It is also said as the most reliable way of investments just because of the support and backup of Indian government. Subscription for a Kisan Vikas Patra or KVP can be done by completing following few requirements which are mandatory for it. These requirements includes like minimum subscription of five hundred is to be done in initial stage and no limit for any maximum amount. Like other investments, in this Kisan Vikas Patra KVP plan too the interest is given which is up to the rate of 8 ½ percent and also assures to double the amount in approximately 9years. Kisan Vikas Patra or KVP can be subscribed by any adult in their name. Apart form it a minor andtwo adult's persons with a joint account, companies and firm can also subscribe it. Here, it should be noted that any NRI or any member of Hindu Undivided Family are not bounded to subscribe these Kisan Vikas Patra KVP plan. Reinvestment plans are also present with this KVP plan. But this reinvestment on Kisan Vikas Patra plan is only allowed by the authority on maturity of the policy.
Other features apart from the above ones are also included in this KVP plan. These patras acts like an security for issuing any bank loan form credit lending institutions. They are also transferable to any other name under the rules and regulations of Kisan Vikas Patra KVP plans. This plan is known as the best way to increase the investments without spending a long duration of time. In a short time period with a fixed rate of interests, this plan acts as a guaranteed returning interest amount after completing the maturity of it.

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