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UIDAI launches ‘Aadhaar’ project in Orissa

The Unique Identification Authority of India ( UIDAI )) launched its Unique Identification (UID) number project ‘Aadhaar’ in Orissa .
All residents above the age group of one year shall be enrolled in the project.
In a symbolic ceremony at Raj Bhawan, the state’s first citizen Governor M C Bhandare was enrolled under the project by Smart Chip Limited , an enrollment agency engaged by State Bank of India which is acting as a registrar under the scheme.
‘Aadhaar’, a project the government termed as the “number for life”, promises a dignified life to the poor in the country. Once implemented, thisunique scheme is expected to change the social service delivery landscape forever wherein all residents shall be identified through a capture of essential demographics and biometrics such as fingers scan, iris scan, digital photograph, etc.
The database of all residents of India shall be linked with central and state government schemes which would benefit all residents especially to peoplebelow poverty line by identifying them and bringing them into the broader umbrella of various government schemes.

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